People who have used our services share their thanks. Read what they have to say:
I called Bill from Bill'z Bees who operates the free bee removal service when I noticed this unbelievable buzzing sound coming from my back yard. When I went to investigate, I saw this huge swarm of honey bees stuck to the side of my storage trailer. I had seen David Suzuki's show on bees and so I knew that bees swarm when they are really healthy and have outgrown their existing bee hive, so they needed to find a new bee hive to live in fast. I didn't want to exterminate the bees so I had to try and save them......but I didn't know who to call to come and collect the bees or how much it would cost me, so I searched "Bee Removal" on Google and found Bill's FREE Bee Removal service. It turns out he's been an Bee Keeper (Apiarist) since 1992 and runs his own apiary where he always has extra bee hives ready to go in case of bees swarming. I gave him a call and he came right out, put his beekeepers suit on, got a smoke canister and then collected the bee swarm into a 5 gallon bucket on the end of a pole! Just like that away the bees went to their new home, and all for free! I felt great that I was able to save the honey bees so they could continue their important work! What I also didn't know was that it was illegal to kill bees in BC (awesome law) so do the right thing and give Bill a call to come save your bees, it's not a job for an exterminator. Keep up the good work Bill & thanks for arriving so quickly!6 May 2010 Google
Thank you so much for taking care of the bees. You exceeded my expectations. Thanks so much!
- Beth Arnold - Richmond, BC
Thanks for the amazing free bee removal service. Your patience was appreciated. Keep it up!
- Max Silverman - Vancouver, BC